Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Hype Cycle

Almost everybody in the IT business is familar with Gartner and Magic Quadrants. Here's another useful visual from Thomas Wailgum at My personal favorite is what you find on the Slope of Enlightenment.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Not Socialism

A recent public opinion poll showed that something like 55 percent of Americans think President Obama is a Socialist. This interesting post from Dan Mitchell begs to differ with the public on this. According to Mitchell, Obama is, in fact, a fascist - in the Mussolini sense of the word.

Granting that the word fascist has some pretty ugly connotations, Mitchell prefers to use the label Corporatist. Funny, that sounds like something I've been saying. I love it when smart people agree with me. Read the whole thing.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Book

In a previous life time I was a newspaper reporter. Early in my IT career I published a couple of technical articles on database design (back when relational databases were new technology - check your calendars for that date!). At that time I had ambitions of publishing more articles but then the babies started appearing from some magical place. (I never did understand how that happened ... ) Read more really means read more this time.

Woke Terror

I recently heard a new phrase that stuck in my head like a dart in a dart board - Woke Terror . In our world a formerly innocent remark...