Friday, July 14, 2017

Ah, heck! Just Keep Rubbing It In, Already!

You may be getting tired of hearing it but the U.S. shale oil industry just keeps playing the hits. They get more efficient and economical over time. In the last five years they've become the swing player in global oil prices and soon they'll be the dominant player.

This chart compares U.S. oil fields and their productivity and the article at this link goes into more detail about how we soon will be the driver of world oil pricing. Our ability to bring production on-line and take it off-line quickly as demand waxes and wanes will be the key.

I don't know about you but I feel like hugging a fracker.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Danger Will Robinson!

(If you get the reference, congratulations. You're AARP card is in the mail.)

There is, indeed, danger in using these 12 practices in managing your IT operation, which you'll see if you follow the link. (If you don't have an IT operation, then maybe they'll apply to something else you do in the business world.)

I've been in IT for 35 years and most of these warnings hold true in my experience. Let me take just one as an example and you can read the article for the rest.

I first heard this in the 1980s (Yes! the 80s) and I doubted it then. My professional colleagues are my colleagues and we work together for a common purpose: to serve our real, paying, customers. The CIO article has a pretty good take on why this is a bad idea and I urge you to read it and see if you agree with this and the eleven other practices that are (to put it kindly) counter productive.

Woke Terror

I recently heard a new phrase that stuck in my head like a dart in a dart board - Woke Terror . In our world a formerly innocent remark...