Monday, February 26, 2018

Corruption and Success

This thought is a paraphrase of things I've heard recently and rang true the moment I heard them.

What is the key difference between the economic success of the democratic nations (USA, UK, Hong Kong, Malaysia, etc.) and what we call the third world (say The Congo, Venezuela, etc.)? Corruption.

Regardless of political structures, successful nations have relatively less corruption in public life. Less corruption encourages greater citizen faith in institutions and support for the civil structures.  This, in turn, allows the citizen to commit more to the individual and community success because she or he can be (reasonably) assured that efforts will be rewarded instead of shunted off to a well-connected rent seeker.

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Woke Terror

I recently heard a new phrase that stuck in my head like a dart in a dart board - Woke Terror . In our world a formerly innocent remark...