Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What Will We Do With Peace?

The world is always a dangerous place but it is the most peaceful and least warlike in my lifetime.  (I'll get the numbers to back that up if anyone posts a comment doubting me.)

The question that just popped into my mind is, what will we do with peace? The history of humanity is one of war, preparation for war, and sometimes the pursuit of peace.

Our societies are organized around war. We have a lot of experience with major war. What shall we do with major peace?

Monday, January 15, 2018

Exactly What is a Fascist?

Quick! Who is the father of Fascism - the man who named the political philosophy?

  • Joseph Stalin
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Benito Mussolini

Actually, it's a trick question. If you do know the answer, leave a comment because I'd love to have a chat with you. I'll bet one person in five can answer the question.

The other question is, what really is Fascism and how is it different from Communism? My entire life, the popular press has equated Fascism with right-wing and right-wing with American conservatism. Well, I'm sorry to say, this is wrong and is close to a slur. 

There's a reason the second word of NAZI is Socialist. Check out this link for a good compare-and-contrast.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Do Not Pass Go!

I'm going to bet that only five percent of Americans have a practical knowledge of World War II. (My own, beloved, daughter could not place the American Civil War in the correct decade of the 19th Century.) If you fall in the 95 percent, here is your chance to see a real, vivid, honest look at a key point in world history.

Go see Darkest Hour, now. Some of its facts are flawed but it is an excellent portrayal of one of the great persons in history.

If, by the time you read this, it's out of theaters, then find it and stream it. Do not hesitate, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Remember to Pull the Ripcord!

This article at CIO.com says there are nine lies that CIOs tell themselves. (My cynical response is, "only nine?".) Here's my favorite that I wish I'd obeyed more than once, "they start a job search before the project tanks their reputation".

There are eight more and well worth a look.

Woke Terror

I recently heard a new phrase that stuck in my head like a dart in a dart board - Woke Terror . In our world a formerly innocent remark...