Monday, December 28, 2009

The Definitive Timeline

Wow! The definitive time line of Climategate. There are a lot (and apparently increasing number) of reputable skeptics to whom we will owe a great deal in the future.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No Need to Read

I'm posting this commentary on climate statistics mostly for my own future reference. Of course you're welcome to take a peak if you wish. As a former student of atmospherics (for the purposes of radio communications), this is some pretty fascinating information and consistent with what I learned way back when: the climate is a vastly, vastly, vastly (vast to the 3rd power?) complex mechanism.

Quote of the Day

From one of my favorites, Jonah Goldberg,who can regularly be found at National Review ( He's commenting on a recent article by Thomas Friedman of the New York Times.

"Last, at the bottom of Friedman's column it says "Maureen Dowd is off today." Question: Why don't they put that disclaimer under Maureen Dowd's column where it belongs?"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Corporatism is not Capitalism

There is a natural tendency for any organization to seek to tilt the playing field to its own advantage. Businesses have this tendency like any other entity and I fear that we are now in the throws of full grown Corporatism. (In the old days this was called Mercantilism.) This statement by Donald Trump is an excellent example. He wants the government to force (not encourage, but force) banks to lend money where they would rather not. That, my friends, is not free markets in action nor is it Capitalism. That is Corporatism where one party (Trump) is trying to use an external player (the government) to provide him with his preferred working environment.

I was never a great Trump fan and now I know why.

Woke Terror

I recently heard a new phrase that stuck in my head like a dart in a dart board - Woke Terror . In our world a formerly innocent remark...